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tv   News 4 Today at 6  NBC  February 10, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EST

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more than two dozen soldiers overseas. now there are conflicts reports about who is behind the attack. a congressman resigns after a bare chested picture shows up on the internet and this morning we're hearing from the woman who claims she is the one at the center of it all. good morning. >> the big story, however, this morning is the weather. you're waking up to some snow on the ground and it is causing some problems. take a look at this video. our crews shot this overnight. not only are you going to have to scrape the oos off your windshields, but also watch out for some slick spots. the slick conditions caused one car to spin out of control. >> concern is prompting delays a closings this morning.
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stafford and warren on a two hour delay. in maryland, calvert, charles and garrett county schools are all two hours late. and in west virginia, mineral county is two hours late and of course all of these school delays and closings are running he bottom of your screen. the main public school subpoenas on the top line and everything from private schools to government agencies are running on the bottom line. >> that's light snow like the dusting they pout bowliut on bo alleys to make it slippery. >> could be deceptively dangerous. >> a very dry snow and easy to remove, but it did stick to untreated surfaces and once the travel travels over it, it turns it into iciness. and we're having that in our white zone. farther to the north, generally
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around a dust to go about a 10th of an inch. and we've had temperatures holding below freezing all night long, so what did fall is certainly in place. it's 27 now at reagan national. storm quickly came on through, same one that unloaded a foot in the southern plains but weakened as it came east. as it continues to track off to the east, our sky beginning to clear out. right now items cloudy over the jefr on memorial. by 9:00, a little sun. mostly sunny this afternoon and just briefly above freezing. somehow traffic, jerry? >> interstates appear to be doing okay, but nevertheless be aware the roads could be on the slick side. 95 northbound just volume right now two and beyond the river as you begin to commute north out of fredericksburg. looks like we're doing presently wet. all the travel lanes open. elsewhere in from the west along
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interstate 66, again slick road conditions certainly a possibility. most of whatever came down last night accumulated on the shoulder, should not be a travel concern. in from the north along i 2730 incident. fredericksburg 302 slightly delayed. marc brunswick 872 delayed under ten minutes. we're gathering breaking details on a suicide bombing in pakistan this morning. a teenager blew himself up at a military camp. this happened in northwestern pakistan about 80 miles from the capital city. aaron gilchrist has the latest developments. >> reporter: we're hearing no you now from a gichovernment official, we've gotten reports from reuters news service that the death toll has risen to at
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least 31 pakistani soldiers, 40 more injured. some critically. it happened as troops were beginning their routine morning exercises. military officials stay a teenager wearing the uniform of a nearby school walked into the compound and texploded. the taliban is claiming responsibility and saying the suicide bomber was a soldier from that training facility who came to them and volunteered for the attack. still work to go confirm that report. troops condoned off the area and police had a hard time getting in to the compound. local officials are asking global powers pay immediate attention to, quote, a burning situation. this attack shows that despite military operations, insurgents are still able to strike back. back to you.
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>> aaron gilchrist in our newsroom. thank you. we're also following a developing story involving a huge explosion in eastern pennsylvania. take a look at this video. two are missing after the natural gas explosion. that leveled two homes and the fire that followed destroyed at least eight others. 500 to 600 people from a two block radius around the explosion are still out of their homes this morning as a precaution. overnight we learned new information about the scandal that forced republican congressman chris lee to abruptly resign. this happened just a few hours after a web side posted a conversation he had with a woman on craigslist. he's also accused of sending her this shirtless picture of himself. megan mcgrath has details. >> reporter: good morning. it's a scandal that hit capitol hill without warning. and within hours, new york congressman chris lee had
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resigned. now, this morning the woman at the heart of the internet scandal is talking to a website which according to its mission statement provides or offers insight, resources and opinions on african-american issues. in that interview, they ask what what's the lesson in all of this and the woman replays the leies going to do dirt, do it anonymously. people cheat every day, but only dumb people get caught. many are scratching their headsoff the rapid fire chain of events amazed at what played out over the internet yesterday. it began when a woman who had posted a personal ad on craigslist says she received flirtatious e-mails from congressman lee including one that had a picture of a shirtless lee. now, congressman lee told the woman that he was a lobbyist and that he was divorced, but after coming some research, the woman
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said she discovered the e-mail address raced back to congressman lee who is married. she turned the e-mails over to the photos were posted on the website wednesday afternoon by 6:00 p.m., the congressman had resigned and he did so through a written statement. all of this will trigger a special election and, again, a lot of people just a matzed by the rapid fire chain of events that unfolded yesterday. we'll have administer on this story coming up a little later on in the show. >> megan, thank you. 6:07. more good news this morning in the recovery of congresswoman gabrielle giffords. she is beginning to speak. giffords eve chichief of staff e asked for toast. a bullet went through the left side of her brain when she was shot just over a month ago. it's it that side of the brain
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that does control speech. gi . in the day ahead, jim webb will speak in d.c. after announcing he'll retire at the end of his current term. webb was widely expected by some to seek a second term in 2012, however, others noted that he had not started to raise any money, a strong hint that he might not run. it would have been a rematch between webb and george allen who has already started to campaign for the seat. webb said he's ready to return to the private sector. he will take part in a foreign policy discussion tonight at the national press club as part of the ronald reagan send ten cent conference. why a metro provide we could threatened a mass shooting. >> you will want to see this morning once. a close call for a driver in virginia. he has to run for his life. >> and it is another cold morning. but a big warm-up is on the way. weather and traffic together on the 1s coming up next.
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[music playing] america's beverage companies are working together to put more information right up front...
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adding new calorie labels to every single can, bottle, and pack they produce... so you can make the choice that's right for you. caught on camera. check out this dramatic video. a man runs for his life when a truck crashes into his vehicle off the side of the road. this happened in chesapeake, virginia yesterday. apparently water froze on the highway after firefighters put out a car fire. it made the roads slick and icy.
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>> and how lucky was he that he was not inside the vehicle when the other truck came careening lie through. and that's what happens when you have shwli slick roads. >> and we have some. some light snow came through and drivers driving over the untreated surfaces compacted the snow down. we do have slick spots. stafford and spotsylvania, southern williams, southern fauquier. and the blue ridge had of to an inch. right now we're in the 20s, so what has fallen, it will stick. and there is that system takes came on through overnight, now it's exiting the eastern shore and we'll get sunshine back today. there is the live view from our city camera. by midafternoon, we may get briefly above freezing and then overnight tonight, clear and cold, 20s for the evening. teens by dawn tomorrow.
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a look at friday and the weekend and next week, that will be coming up in ten minutes. how is traffic now? >> chopper 4 on the job for us. maryland, i-95 right around 212, everything is moving along very nicely. a little volume and that's it. we'll head out 395 northbound, those are the headlights coming at us passing duke street in route to the 14th street bridge. also moving along pretty well. and on the beltway, prince george's county, no concerns. volume only between greenbelt and the woodrow wilson bridge. out on the rails this morning, metro okay. vre brunswick 302 delayed. marc 8 on 2 checked under ten minutes. a health alert this morning. what doctors say diet soda does to your body. >> the new terror threat with need to watch. why some say osama bin laden is no honker the number one enemy.
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you may have to clear shall snow off your windshield this
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morning. >> winter weather moved through the area and because of that, local schools are delayed. you'll see the list at the bottom of your screen. the top line is for public school systems and the bottom is for everything else. tracee wilkins georges us live from prince george's county where students start two hours late. >> reporter: yeah, you were talking about folks having to scrape snow off their windshields. you can see a good example of how much snow folks got on this end of prince george's county. this truck here for example pulling up is a good example of about an inch of snow or half an inch of snow or a little bit more than half an inch of snow that covered the cars here and also some of the roads. but that's not the reason prince george's county delayed to delay school. this is the reason. take a look at what's happening with me. i'm slipping and sliding on this aisles here. th ice here. they have freezing conditions and slippery conditions well in to southern prince george's county. so the rest of the kids who are walking out to dry roads and
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sidewalks can thank the southern end for a two hourdelay. the roads are pretty much just wet, so it's the side roads and neighborhood streets are the county officials are most concerned about. they have to consider a worst case scenario, so school delayed two hours. back to you all in the studio. 6:17 now. right now the terror threat is at its high he est level since september 11th. in a ponapolitano testified tha they're recruiting westerners. osama bin laden is no longer the biggest threat to the u.s. homeland. that's what one top security official said. the man in charge of the national counterterrorism center told congress he's more than concerned about an islamic born in new mexico.
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>> >> i actually consider al awlaki probably the most significant risk to the u.s. homeland. i think awlaki is probably -- certainly is the most well-known english speaking i'd log speak egg directly to the folks here in the home plan . >> the nation's top intelligence figure is expected to of it today. al qaeda remains his number one priority. 6:18 is the time. metro investigating a threat of its own after an angry employee reportedly threatened to go on a shooting spree in a newsletter, the union president wrote about a conversation a metro official recently had with a group of bus and train operators. the president of the amalgamated transit union local wrote, quote, a female operator stated that because of the increase in health care and the failure of the judge to issue a sdipg decision on wages and pension, the tragic shooting in arizona could happen/was going to happen
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at the union hall. the union and metro have been locked in a legal battle over pay and benefits since 2008. today pepco leaders will be in the hot seat again. d.c. leaders will have their chance to grill them about power outages after last month's snowstorm. this morning pepco representatives will appear before the d.c. public service commission. pepco is under pressure to improve its reliability after thousands of its customers were without power for up to five days. pepco already answered questions from make you lakers and the montgomery county council. protesters are calling for another massive demonstrate in cairo. the white house saying expect protests until they start to show real reforms and move to a freer society. the protestors want mubarak to step down. the 82-year-old promised not to run again, but that is not enough for the protesters. in the day ahead, president obama will travel to michigan to promote broader access to high
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speed internet service. the president wants to see access expanded it to 98% of the population within five years. it's a lofty goal considering major cities are just now getting the technology.initiative is part of the president's push to spur innovation and competitiveness in the hopes of creating jobs. 6:20. right now a whole lot of people will be digging out from another snow storm. two feet of snow fell in oklahoma and arkansas and more is on the way. it was so bad that oklahoma national guard troops are called in to help stranded drivers in tulsa. in arkansas, the storm left every major highway either packed with snow or covered with slush. blowing snow made it hafrder to clean up. and this storm is not creating any airline delays right here at least. here is a live look at reagan national airport. right now all flights at all local airports are on time. 6:20. you could be paying $90 for a single piece of luggage. us airways is nearly doubling
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the penalty if your checked bags are overweight. it's raising the fee to $90. the old fee was $50. you add that to the $25 to check your bag in the first place, you have to pay an extra if the bag weighs more than 50 pounds, the second bag is $35, so now i need a strategy. do you pack for one bag and pay the 90 or three or four bags some. >> well, for you personally, stop hiding the kids in the luggage. >> well, cheaper than the plane ticket. >> not now. tom has our forecast and slippery conditions because of the snow. >> yeah, we had a brief dusting overnight. as we look at the map, these are from the observers reporting anywhere from a quarter to an inch in the white zone. farther south and southwest and southeast, as well, northern neck of virginia and charles and st. mary's county had that much but a sharp cut off to the
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amounts just to our north, just a few flurries. and temperatures out of the mountains in the teen, but it's in the 20s elsewhere. below freezing throughout the entire region. there is that storm that quickly came through overnight with a weak area of low pressure leaving us and right now the city camera showing a partly cloudy to cloudy sky over us. by 9:00, mid-20s mere 30 during noon time and a lot of sun this afternoon with a blustery northwest wind and cold tonight, teens tomorrow morning. friday, sunny near 40, sunny saturday, mid-40s. low 50s on sunday as we get into next week, monday, tuesday, wednesday, high near 50 each day. how is traffic? >> certainly very manageable. chopper 4 checking things out over in maryland, baltimore-washington parkway. right now route 50, 450, everything looking pretty good. just a little volume. let's head on over i-66 inside the capital beltway, no concerns. we're looking good. downtown southeast southwest freeway between the anacostia and potomac, travel lanes open.
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clear dry road surfaces there and things are moving along quite nicely. and for those of you on the top side of the beltway, no left over cantaloupe. beltway between college park and silver spring moving well. let's check the trains. metro no delays. vre, fredericksburg 802 slightly delayed. >> and the folks in the control room are full. the news no nfl fan want it is hear. >> and a health alert for quiet soda tricker drinkers. [ female announcer ] most women in america aren't getting the calcium they need. but yoplait wants to change that. only yoplait original has twice the calcium
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of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value ♪ so pass on the new and we can help close this calcium gap together. to get you started, we're giving away a million free cups at yoplait dot com. the yoplait you love, now in a 4-pack. try it today.
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a new study has found that diet so he came drinkers have a 61% higher risk for vascular problems including stroke. researchers at the university of miami school of medicine looked at 2500 people that drank at least one diet soda a day. they say more study still immediates to be done and that this does not prove that diet drinks lead to heart disease. >> the nfl might not be ready for some football next year. talks to keep next year's season alive have come to a standstill this morning. according to, a negotiating session between the players and the owners scheduled for today has now been canceled. representatives for both sides met on saturday in dallas and
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again yesterday. the collective bargaining agreement ends on the third of march and wrought a new agreement, the owners are threatening to lock out the players for the 2011 season. >> we need better news than that this morning. all right. 6:27 now. why people in both maryland and virginia are asking what's that smell. a young girl is pushed out of a stolen car. the good samaritan who came to her rescue. and we will run down all of your school delays and closings. [ male announcer ] beatrice earned her masters in education
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at a university with 20 years of experience combining classroom and online teaching. and a 15 to 1 student to faculty ratio... to make learning more... personal. today, she runs a thriving tutoring company that offers kids the same individualized attention she had. my name is beatrice hair, i teach hundreds of kids one on one, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the college of education at
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right now at 6:30, you're waking up to snow on the ground and on your car. enough to cause a number of schools to delay and even close. >> and two city blocks are evacuated following this huge explosion and we've just learned now that there are six people missing. good morning. >> welcome to "news 4 today." we're working on a number of breaking and developing stories this morning. we'll start with something that will affect the day for thousands of you. of course it's the snow. it was only a little bit, but let's start with some closings and delays. we start in virginia. prince william, spotsylvania
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county schools are closed. stafford and warren are two hours late. manassas park city, king george, fauquier and culpepper and frederickburg also two hours late. prince george's, st. mary's, calvert, charles and garrett county schools are all two hours late. and in west virginia, mineral county is two hours late. these are all running it at the bottom of your screen. everything from private schools to government agencies running on the bottom line. >> if you live in the district or north and west of here, you're probably wondering what happened. >> there was a sharp cutoff to the snow and we continue to see that snow exiting and moving off to the east of us, but it did quickly zoom through overnight and left a dusting right in the nearby suburbs of maryland and northwest washington. in southeast washington and parts of prince george's, southern fairfax, fauquier,
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spotsylvan spotsylvania, anywhere from a quarter inch to as much of an inch. southern anne arundel got general birequest a quart requl inch. what fell has stuck and cars driving over the unplowed surfaces compacting the snow and creating some icy spots. our skies already breaking to break up. mid-20s and mostly sunny this afternoon with a blustery northwest wind. briefly above freezing midafternoon. a look at your night planner forecast at 6:41. how is the traffic? >> beautiful picture prs chopper 4 and made even nicer because there are no main traffic concerns. at the moment. watching for any icy conditions. down to the wilson bridge and up
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to greenbelt, volume only. all travel lanes are open. an mcincrease in traffic. and one more stop, up to montgomery county along i-270 out of frederick passing german town, looks like we're pmoving along well. fredericksburg 802 and marc brunswick 872 short clays. when most of you look outside, you'll notice it's not much snow at all out there. most roads seem clear. so you're wondering what the hay? is. >> that's right. schools are closed our delayed and tracee wilkins has new information. >> reporter: if you want to know why schools are delayed, you need to come to southern prince grng's county. take a look here.
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this is what it is. icy roads. this is what you can expect on side streets and neighborhood streets even though they just got like half an inch of snow up here, they're worried about the slick conditions. when officials came out here at about 3:30 this morning and they drove around and checked out the roads, they said withis is the problem. so you can thank the weather here on the southern end of the county for you having the two hour delay. basically the maybe roin roads much just wet. we spoke to one commuter. >> there are a lot of patchy places that are black ice. but the main roads are pretty clear. i think the sdwdelay is wonderf. it's for the kids' benefit. the drivers of the school buses. >> reporter: prince william has done the same thing.
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they're delaying -- actually, they've decided to close for the day. specifically in the southeastern portion of that county, lots of icy conditions. so you may not be seeing it when you walk out of your door, but know that when you're dealing with school systems, they have to look at the worst case scenario. so whoever got it the worst, that could impact the rest of the system. tracee wilkins live this morning. back to you all in the studio. >> safety first. thanks very much. breaking news out of pakistan this morning. we have just learned that at least 31 pakistani soldiers have died after a suicide bombing at a military raining facility. that's up from the 27 we reported earlier this morning. this happened in a city about 80 miles outside of the capital. at least 40 others were injured in the blast. military officials say the bomber was a teenager wearing a school uniform, but the pakistani taliban claiming responsibility says the bomber was a soldier from a training facility who volunteered for the
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attack. this attack is seen as a major security failure. 6:35 is the time. we're also following breaking news involving a huge explosion in eastern pennsylvania. just into news 4, six are missing following this natural gas explosion and huge fire in allentown, pennsylvania. early reports said that two people were missing. the explosion leveled two homes and the fire that followed destroyed at least eight others. another 16 homes are damaged. these are live pictures of what's left of some of the houses. more than 600 people from a two block radius around the explosion are still out of their homes on this cold morning as a precaution. 6:36 now. today we expect to learn what's causing a suspicious odor that's wafting through stafford, virginia. the smell is so bad that some families who live near wood stream boulevard moved out. hazmat crews found high levels
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of methane in the soil, but they aren't sure if that's what's causing the smell. soil samples are being tested and will come back today. power in the area has also been turned off as a precaution. and people in maryland are also dealing with a horrible smell that apparently came from 100 miles away. the maryland emergency management agency has been monitoring a chemical leak that happened in west virginia. it reportedly caused the smell that's moving through frederick, prince george's and montgomery counties. according to the new post, the leaked chemical is mercaptan, it's mixed with natural gas in order to help detect leaks. t it's only dangerous at high concentrations. a young girl is recovering this morning after being thrown from a stolen van and it's thanks to a good samaritan that she was recovered. the little girl's mother was car jacked around 7:00 last night at the children's natural medical somewhere. and then the thieves pushed the girl out of the van several blocks away.
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fortunately a comcast cable installer saw the girl huddled under the bumper of a car crying and he took action. he talked exclusively with news 4 and says he was just in the right prai right place at the right time. >> by the fwras of ggrace of go there and everything's fine. everything turned out well and she's back with her parents. >> he was at the right place at the right time and did the right thing. police found the van a short time later and arrested one person. the little girl was bleeding when she was found, but her injuries are not believed to be serious. we're just minutes away from verizon's iphone debut. verizon wireless stores across the country are opening at 7:00 a.m. to start selling the apple iphone. it was previously only va available to at&t customers. ver vie izon is already the nat largest carrier. this week alone is expected to add an additional 1 million
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customers. >> we anticipate high demand. we've got 94 million customers who now have access to this device. our network is ready. we can handle the traffic. we're excited about having the ichlts phone users on there. >> some verizon customers already pre-ordered their phones online. the phone will also be sold at selected walmart and best buy stores. getting one? >> probably not. not right away. >> 6:39. it is one of the most popular video games especially at parties. and now the company is going to stop making it. >> and how metro is planning to speed up your commute every morning. >> you're waking up to some snow on the ground. but the skies are clear now. tom kierein is talking about a winter warm-up. your weather and traffic is next. drink in the rich, bold taste...
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of premium roast coffee -- 100% arabica beans. it's so rich, but so just a dollar. on the dollar menu at breakfast. and that's what we'rma of. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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my sistersundays are just tofor watching football. believe that? [ thinking ] relax. you ordered off mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. everything's so good and just a buck. so go. he's a jerk. [ thinking ] the simple joy of being smart. ♪
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the overnight light snow left a dusting from the shenandoah valley across the district and maryland. farther to the south, a quarter to an inch fell. temperatures certainly below freezing and it's in the low and mid-20s now. the storm system zipped on through last night, now heading off to the east and our sky beginning to clear out. that's the live view from our city camera showing a clearing sky. by 9:00 we'll be in the mid-20s.
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by noon, near 30 and during the afternoon with lots of sun and we'll be right back down into the 20s by late afternoon. briefly above freezing by midafternoon. your night planner forecast, clear and cold. teens by dawn tomorrow. a look at friday and next week at 6:51. how is traffic? route 5, a little bit of snow on the top of the buildings, but it doesn't look like the road conditions have gone downhill too much. just a little bit of volume. 95 northbound, an accident quickly moved to the shoulder. lanes open. top side of the beltway from college park to silver spring, we're holoading up quickly, but all travel lanes are open. that just appears to be volume only right now. we'll keep a watch on it. metro no delays, vre fredericksburg slightly delayed. 26 degrees. the change many metro riders
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will see today. >> and what the woman who released this photo of a shirtless congressman who resigned now is saying about the
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we're hearing from the woman believed to be ste center of the craigslist scandal that's forces chris lee to resign after this
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shirtless picture popped up on the internet. megan mcgrath is live on capitol hill with new details on all this. >> reporter: it's a scandal that hit capitol hill without warning. and within hours, new york congressman chris lee resigned. now, this morning we're hearing from the woman at the scandal -- at the heart of this enter mint scandal. the site offers insight, resources and opinions on african-american issues. now, in the interview, they ask the woman who is the lesson in all of this and the woman who wants to remain anonymous responds the lesson is if you're going to do dirt, do it anonymous anonymously. people cheat every day, but only dumb people get caught. many are scratching their heads amazed by the rapid fire chain of events that unfolded on the enter met. it began when a woman with a personal ad says she received
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flirtatious e-mails and a shirtless photo from a man named chris lee. the woman traced the e-mail address to chris lee. the woman gave the e-mails to they posted the e-mails and photo. by 6:00 p.m., the congressman had resigned effective immediately. his colleagues and constituents are stunned. >> a very, very public life and wherever you go anywhere, you know that you're likely to be on tape. >> reporter: and lee's resignation is effective immediately. again, he made it through a written statement and that of course will trigger a special election in his home say ttate.
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>> megan, thank you. more good news this morning in the recovery of congresswoman gabrielle giffords. she is beginning to speak. her chief of staff says when breakfast was delivered to her on monday, she asked for toast. this is the first public confirmation that the congresswoman has begun to regain her speech. a bullet went through the left side of her brain when she was shot. it is that side of the brain that controls speech. giffords is recovering at a rehabilitation hospital in houston. and today we could know who conservative republicans favor to compete for the white house in 2012. the conservative political action congress gets under way in washington today and those in attendance will cast a vote in a presidential straw poll. 15 candidates all of the big names are listed. >> we head into the metro station this morning, you'll probably notice that the smart trip card reader looks a little different. the "washington post" reports that metro has installed plastic domes over the readers on all the fare gates. they're intended to extend the range and help read the cards
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faster. it sounds like the old vicinity out at second place during a second play. many riders noticed that going through fare gates took longer after last summer's fare increase. the domes should combat that delay. the project cost metro about $45,000. and today metro board members will review a new report that details problems with metro escalator maintenance. the report shows the system's 588 escalators break down about once every seven days. and it takes about 14 hours on average to repair each of those escalators. the report also shows that some of the system's newest escalators are breaking down at a faster rate than the old. metro has more escalators than any other transit system in north america. >> well, the talk of wall street this morning is the potential merger of two stock exchanges. courtney reagan joins us now live with more. >> reporter: good morning. well, yeah, it happened
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yesterday, but it's still the talk of the town today. the potential mega murnlger when the nsd and germany's, the deal which could be worth $28 billion is expected to be announced next week. deutsche would control the combininged company, but the name won't disappear. s.e.c. is expected to take a tough look at the merger. the new york stock exchange traces its history to 1792 when 24 brokers agreed to trade stocks for commissions. president obama will reportedly propose cuts to the home heating assistance program for the poor when he unveils his budget on monday. funding could be cut in half to $2.5 billion which would be at 2008 levels. the president is looking for ways to rein in government spending. john kerry is urging president obama not to cut funding saying it could impact more than 3 million people. i'm sure that debate will continue.
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back to you. 6:51 now. the plug has been pulled on the game that made everyone a rock star. the "new york times" reports that activision has announced that it is closing its guitar hero unit and discontinuing developments for the game's next installment. activision says the music game genre has declined and guitar hero has become a money losing unit. viacom sold rock band back in november because of financial issues it was having. i'm surprised. it was so big at one point. just thought it would keep growing. >>. >> kind of the story of life. big one moment, gone another. speaking of that, which is the snow. >> yeah, it came and it went. it was a little tine if i snowstorm came through and left a fresh coating of snow across northern virginia anders just sort of washington, that blue zone gotth of
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an inch. calvert, charles and st. mary's and across the potomac in to the northern neck of virginia and stafford and spotsylvania, southern fauquier, prince william and points south and southwest up to an inch. it is long gone. temperatures are below freezing. we're in the 20s throughout the entire region. so what did fall stuck and cars that drove over any snow that was on the roads ko s compacted down creating patchy ice. it's frigid this morning. just in the teens western maryland from hagerstown and out in west virginia and all across virginia, maryland eastern shore, below freezing. and there is that stormet it tst zip order through. you can see in the live picture from our city camera we're seeing the clouds beginning to recede off to the east. and by 9:00, we'll be in the mid-20s and winds will begin to increase a bit. we had them gusting to around 25 miles an hour already and windchills are in the teens. and we'll just briefly get above freezing around it 2:00 or 3:00 this afternoon with lots of sun and then right back down below
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freezing by 5:00. clear and cold tonight. teens by dawn tomorrow. friday afternoon a bit warnlger, near 40. saturday afternoon mid-40s. may hit low 50s on sunday. and then monday, tuesday, wednesday next week, highs near 50 each day. how is the traffic, jerry? >> chopper 4 coming out of prince george's county, watching 301, route 5. some of the roads may get a little on the slick side. it looks like travel lanes are open, but just be careful, you might find it possibly wet, possibly slick. let's head over and see if that's the case out of fredericksburg along i-95 northbound as you begin the commute up passing route 17. not too bad of a morning. just minor delays. top side of the beltway, loaded up college park to silver spring crawling. nothing left to look at. travel lanes reopened, so really no concerns.
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just a volume thing right now. metro rail report nothing delays. delay on vr echle fredericksbur # 2. marc no delays. we're getting word right now of a plane crash in ireland, at least six we're told are dead, six others hurt after a small commuter plane crashed at the airport. it was on its way from bell fast. debris reported scattered across the run way. fog may have had something to do with that crash. to pakistan now where military officials say a teenager wearing a uniform from a nearby school walked in to an army training camp this morning and blew himself up. at least 31 are dead. 40 others injured. the pakistani taliban claiming responsibility for that suicide bombing. six still unaccounted for after a thunderous gas line explosion in allentown, pennsylvania. one home demolished in that explosion. seven others destroyed by the
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ensuing fire. the elderly couple that owned the house where this all happened is among the missing. 600 were evacuated from that neighborhood overnight. protesters calling for another massive demonstration in cairo. the white house told egyptian leaders to expect protests until they start to show some real reforms. president mubarak doesn't plan to meet demands and step down immediately. those are some of the morning's top stories. back to you. 6:56. you may be surprised to wake up and see some snow on your car this morning. some winter weather moved through the area last night and some local schools are delayed this morning. tracee wilkins is in prince george's county where schools are two hours late there. you'll show us why. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. because i know plenty of parents are waking up and thinking why in the world did they delay school. here is why. this is what they're dealing with in the southern portion of the county. slick and icy roads. this is what it's like on the
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side streets and in the neighborhoods. main roads like 301 are just wet, but they have to consider the worst case scenario. so take's why officials decided to delay school two hours. the same thing in charles county right next door. and prince william county closed school for today because of the same kind of icy conditions. tracee wilkins live this morning. back to you in the studio. and that is "news 4 today." hang you for starting your day with us. >> the "today" show is next. we'll be back here tomorrow morning starting at 4:30. trs
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